Backflow Prevention Services in St. Louis, Missouri
Get quick, reliable service from our team
Areas of Service
St. Louis Backflow Services LLC helps customers within a 100 mile radius of St. Louis. We will consider traveling beyond this area depending on the circumstances.
Residential Pricing
St. Louis County
- Irrigation, 2” and smaller: $95.00 + Filing Fee ($15.00)
- Plumbing/Process Piping, 2″ and smaller: $125.00 + Filing Fee ($15.00)
- Irrigation, 2” and smaller: $95.00 + Filing Fee (If Any)
- Plumbing/Process Piping, 2″ and smaller: $125.00 + Filing Fee
(If Any)
St. Louis City
- Irrigation, 2” and smaller: $95.00 + Filing Fee ($40.00)
- Plumbing/Process Piping, 2″ and smaller: $125.00 + Filing Fee ($40.00)
- Irrigation, 2” and smaller: $95.00 + Filing Fee (If Any)
- Plumbing/Process Piping, 2″ and smaller: $125.00 + Filing Fee
(If Any)
Commercial Pricing
St. Louis County
- Fire Suppression: $250.00 + Filing Fee ($15.00)
- Irrigation, 2″ and smaller: $95.00 + Filing Fee ($15.00)
- Irrigation, larger than 2″: $145.00 + Filing Fee ($15.00)
- Plumbing/Process Piping, 2″ or smaller: $125.00 + Filing Fee ($15.00)
- Plumbing/Process Piping, larger than 2″: $145.00 + Filing Fee ($15.00)
- Fire Suppression: $200.00 + Filing Fee (If Any)
- Irrigation, 2″ and smaller: $95.00 + Filing Fee (If Any)
- Irrigation, larger than 2″: $145.00 + Filing Fee (If Any)
- Plumbing/Process Piping, 2″ or smaller: $125.00 + Filing Fee
(If Any) - Plumbing/Process Piping, larger than 2″: $145.00 + Filing Fee
(If Any)
St. Louis City
- Fire Suppression: $250.00 + Filing Fee ($40.00)
- Irrigation, 2″ and smaller: $95.00 + Filing Fee ($40.00)
- Irrigation, larger than 2″: $145.00 + Filing Fee ($40.00)
- Plumbing/Process Piping, 2″ or smaller: $125.00 + Filing Fee ($40.00)
- Plumbing/Process Piping, larger than 2″: $145.00 + Filing Fee ($40.00)
- Fire Suppression: $200.00 + Filing Fee (If Any)
- Irrigation, 2″ and smaller: $95.00 + Filing Fee (If Any)
- Irrigation, larger than 2″: $145.00 + Filing Fee (If Any)
- Plumbing/Process Piping, 2″ or smaller: $125.00 + Filing Fee
(If Any) - Plumbing/Process Piping, larger than 2″: $145.00 + Filing Fee
(If Any)
Commercial customers with multiple backflow devices at the same location or commercial customers with backflow devices at multiple locations can receive significant pricing discounts. Please contact our office for special pricing.